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Board Game Playtesting at Guildhouse San Jose


“Come to Guildhouse, San Jose's coolest gaming venue to playtest some games in development!

It's a relaxed chance to try new board games and card games, get feedback on your own prototypes, and get advice on the games industry. New designers and interested players welcome!

Please be courteous to other designers and stay to test their games if you are bringing your prototype to be tested. If you are bringing a prototype game, try to comment below with a quick blurb including player count and time, and when you think you might arrive at Guildhouse.

ex. "Ticket to Ride is a lightweight game about building train routes. 2-5 players, 30-60 minutes"

Point of contact and organizer: John Brieger

See our full code of conduct here:"

Let them know you’re coming!

Note: this event is organized by guildhouse patrons using